Work Experineces
Machine Learning Research Intern at LinkedIn, Sunnyvale, CA, Summer 2020
Project: Fairness in a Two-Sided Marketplace
- Developed an end-to-end pipeline ensuring fairness for both source and destination members in the ranking system of PYMK (People You May Know).
- Developed the framework at the scale using Apache Spark (Scala) and Hadoop. R programming language was used for the optimization. Mentor: Kinjal Basu
- keywords: Spark, Hadoop, Scala, R, Optimization, Fairness, Ranking
Data Science Intern at Morningstar, Inc., Chicago, IL, Summer 2018
- Built a document classification system using LSTM RNN neural networks.
- keywords: LSTM RNN, GRU, Glove Embedding, AWS, Keras, Scikit-learn, Numpy, Pandas
Software Engineer, Machine Learning at MITRC, Tehran, Iran, 2014-2016
- Built an information extraction system to extract existing relations from text using a bootstrap methodology by augmenting seeds, relations and patterns in the system.
- keywords: Git, IntellijIDEA, Maven, Scrum, Agile Methodologies, StanfordNLP, LingPipe, Information Extraction, Spark